Council Staff Changes

January 30, 2025

New District Executive

We are excited to announce the addition of a new District Executive, Tom Miskell, Jr, to the Pine Tree Council staff!!

Tom began his Scouting journey in 1986 as a Wolf with Pack 15 in Norwood, MA. He then joined Troop 1 in Islington, MA where he earned the rank of Eagle Scout, along with earning the God and Life religious award. His commitment to Scouting continued beyond his youth, serving in various unit leadership roles as well as district committee roles. He is also a member of the
Freemasons, and received the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouting Award in 2006.

Before joining Pine Tree Council as a District Executive, Tom worked as a law enforcement officer, and has been part of the York County Emergency Management Agency, with experience in training, community outreach, event planning and threat assessment.

Please join us in welcoming Tom to our Pine Tree Council team!

Other Council Staff News

Zac Clark (Ranger) and Anna Gervais (District Executive for Program) have resigned from their respective positions to pursue careers elsewhere. We wish them the best of luck in their future

Some dedicated volunteers have offered to step up and assist things in the absence of a full-time ranger. For the immediate future, Tina and Leah will be splitting Anna’s responsibilities. Please see below to know which staff member you should reach out to with questions or issues relating to a specific area.

*Scout Shop
*Eagle Scout related questions or issues (paperwork, district points
of contact, status of application/ National certificate, etc)
*Certificates of Insurance
*Property/ Facility Rentals

*Program (Events, Training, Camp, etc)
*Unit service and support for units and volunteers in Kennebec Valley District and York District
*Camperships/ Scholarships

*Unit service and support for units and volunteers in Casco Bay District and Abnaki District