The National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) Conference is a 6-day long experience conducted by the Pine Tree Council. This program gives youth a meaningful experience in BSA programs that will enhance their knowledge and create a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities as leaders.
"The benefit of the National Youth Leadership program to our Troop has been substantial. The leadership skills of our scouts have been greatly enhanced by their attendance at NYLT."

Course Objectives:
- Teach participants the concepts of what a leader must BE, what he must KNOW and what he must DO.
- Teach participants leadership elements with a clear focus on HOW TO.
- Guide the participants through the 4 stages of team development
Forming/Storming/Norming/Performing - Provide participants with a clear understanding of team and personal development and how those elements relate to being a leader
- Create an environment of Scouting fellowship and fun guided by the Ideals of BSA
- Experience Scouting at it’s finest.
“Graduates of the NYLT program provide a higher quality of instruction and guidance to our younger scouts. We see it at our weekly meetings and campouts and are happy to send scouts to the program each year.”