From the Mountains to the Sea
District Committee
Key 3 | ||
District Chair | Jason Worswick | |
District Commissioner | Sue Dexter | |
Vice Chair | Gary Moore | |
Vice Chair | Joe DiFiore | |
Vice Chair - Program | Vacant | |
Communications Committee | ||
Communications Chair | Joe DiFiore | |
Membership Committee | ||
Membership Chair | Vacant | |
Activities and Civic Service Program Committee | ||
Activities Chair | Vacant | |
Special Events Coordinator | Lauren Dobrynski | |
Outdoor Activities & Camping Program Committee | ||
Outdoor & Camping Chair | Vacant | |
OA Chapter Chief | Will R. | |
OA Chapter Adviser | Ryan Kelley | |
Training Program Committee | ||
Training Chair | Scott Higgins | |
Cub Scout Training Coordinator | Vacant | |
Advancement & Recognition Program Committee | ||
Advancement Chair | Brian Butler | |
Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator | Joan Dollarhite | |
Eagle Board Coordinator | Ruth Demers | |
Finance and Fund Development Committee | ||
Finance Chair | Tom Boro | |
Popcorn Chair | Brian Nielsen | |
District Commissioners |
Assistant District Commissioner | Frank Maguire | |
Roundtable Commissioner | Kelly Deprez | |
Scouts BSA Roundtable Commissioner | Vacant | |
Venturing Roundtable Commissioner | Vacant |

Casco Bay District serves Scouts in Cumberland and southern Oxford Counties.
What is a District Committee?
A Scouting district is a geographical area of the local BSA council, determined by the council executive board. District leaders mobilize resources to ensure the growth and success of units within the district’s territory. All districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions: membership, fund development, program, and unit service.
- The membership function strives for growth through the organization of new Scouting units and growth through new members joining existing units.
- The fund development function sees that the district provides its share of funds to the total council operating budget.
- The program function concentrates on helping Scouting units with camp promotion; special activities, including community service; training adult volunteers; and youth advancement and recognition.
- The unit service function provides direct coaching and consultation by district volunteers for unit adults to help ensure the success of every Scouting unit.
The entire district committee chaired by the district chair meets on a regularly scheduled date, usually monthly. The purpose of district meetings is to build momentum, provide group continuity, ensure good coordination, and make specific assignments to committee members. The district commissioner reports on the special needs of units and requests the help of operating committees to meet those needs.
If you are interested in helping the District Committee, please contact the District Chair or the District Commissioner.
District Meetings
The District Roundtable meeting, distributing news, updates, supplemental training, and networking for all registered adults, is conducted at 6:30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. All registered leaders, regardless of position, are highly encouraged to attend Roundtable each month.
The District Committee meets at 7:00pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month. All district committee members and unit chartered organization representatives are encouraged to attend meetings of the district committee. All other unit leaders and committee members are welcome to attend as well.
Please review the District Calendar for any date changes.
Casco Bay District Eagle Scout Advancement Meetings
Casco Bay Eagle Scout Project Approval Meetings and Boards of Review are conducted on the 1st Thursday of each month from 6-9PM. Completed applications and/or paperwork for Eagle Scout Project Approval Meetings and Boards of Review must be delivered to the Council Registrar prior to the 20th of the preceding month. For any questions regarding the Life-to-Eagle Scout process, please contact the Casco Bay District Eagle Scout Coordinator, Ruth Demers.
Important Note: Casco Bay District currently does not have a dedicated facility for in-person Eagle Boards of Review or project reviews. Unit leaders are requested to host these meetings at their facilities. Details for hosting are provided by the District Eagle Coordinator upon scheduling. Suitable locations must be available continuously from 6pm-9pm on the evening of the Board of Review and have space suitable for two simultaneous meetings plus a waiting area for family and friends. Alternatively, if in-person hosting isn’t feasible, the Board of Review can be conducted via video conference call, typically using Zoom. Secure Zoom information and scheduling are arranged by the District Eagle Coordinator.
Important Contacts:
Casco Bay District Eagle Scout Coordinator: Ruth Demers
Casco Bay District Advancement Chair: Brian Butler
Pine Tree Council Registrar: Tina Goodwin
Specific requirements for virtual boards of review are available in the Guide to Advancement Section
General requirements for virtual meetings include:
- All participants and observers within hearing range must be visible on camera.
- A parent or guardian, or two registered leaders must be present with the Scout at the beginning of the meeting until all meeting participants have arrived.
- During boards of review specifically, parents and observers not specifically approved to participate in the review should be prepared to leave the room or move out of hearing distance when asked, and be prepared to return at the conclusion.
Eagle Scout Project Proposal Approval Process
- The Life Scout should begin by consulting with unit leaders when determining a service project to ensure that it meets the requirements and expectations outlined in the Guide to Advancement, particularly section 9.0.2.
- The Scout should then complete the project proposal section of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, available on the BSA website, and secure all approvals outlined in that form.
Note: Unit leaders should not approve the proposal until they are confident that all the necessary details are provided and accurate and that the proposal is ready to be reviewed by the District Advancement Committee. - Once approved, the Scout should then deliver a three-ring binder containing the completed project proposal along with any attachments and fundraising forms to the Pine Tree Council Registrar, Tina Goodwin, at the Council Office located at 146 Plains Rd. Raymond, ME prior to the 20th of the month.
- Eagle Scout project approval meetings are generally scheduled for the first Thursday of the following month. The District Eagle Coordinator will contact the Scout and Unit Leaders by email to confirm the meeting date, time, and location. One of three outcomes will be communicated at the conclusion of the project review meeting:
- The project meets the requirements as outlined in the GTA and the proposal has the approval of the district.
- The project meets the requirements as outlined in the GTA, but the Scout needs to address some gaps or provide further clarification in the proposal before approval can be granted.
- The project does not meet the requirements as outlined in the GTA and the Scout will need to make revisions and resubmit the proposal for review.
Approval of the proposal or request for revisions will be provided in writing shortly after the meeting. Any further instructions will also be provided at that time.
It is important to note that no project work or fundraising may begin until written approval is received from the district.
Eagle Scout Board of Review Process
- After completing the Eagle Scout Service Project and all other Eagle Rank Requirements, the Scout should complete the Eagle Scout Application, available on the BSA website, and following the procedures outlined in the Guide to Advancement section 9.0.1.
- Scouts may direct any personal references who wish to respond via letter to mail them directly to the Council Office at:
Pine Tree Council Registrar
146 Plains Rd.
Raymond, ME 04071Written responses provided by references should be mailed directly to the Council Registrar. Responses are not to be viewed by or returned to the Scout, though it is permissible for the Scout to provide an addressed envelope for responses to be mailed.
- The completed Eagle Scout Application should be delivered to the Pine Tree Council Registrar, Tina Goodwin, at the Council Office located at 146 Plains Rd. Raymond, ME prior to the 20th of the month.
- After receiving the application, Boards of Review are generally scheduled for the first Thursday of the following month. The District Eagle Coordinator will contact the Scout and Unit Leaders to confirm the meeting date, time, and location.
- Scouts are encouraged to wear their full field uniform to their Board of Review.
- After the successful completion of the Board of Review, the Council would like the opportunity to celebrate the Scout’s achievement. While not mandatory, the board may ask to take a photo of the Scout for inclusion in media and the Council’s Eagle Scout Yearbook. For virtual Boards of Review, a photo of the Scout in uniform and of their Eagle Scout Project may be provided.